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We've run into another issue in production:


Out of about 2500 instances of this workflow, about 5 of them had one of two errors.  It's a rare error, but it's still something the business is requesting we fix.  The process we have is:


- Business owner opens a form.  This form contains two views relevant to this discussion.  One is a User Data view, the other is an Attachment view.

- Business owner types a name into a picker field in the User Data view.  Using this name, multiple read-only pickers then access an account SQL database to display more user data on the form, like employee number and email.  This data is presented on a list view so there can be multiple users added.

- Business owner clicks "add" on the Attachment view and selects a file to attach to the process.  Simple.

- Business owner then clicks the Submit button.  If validation passes, the following Form Rules are called:

--- on --- on rUSER DATA VIEW], using EUSER DATA SMARTOBJECT], execute the Update method for all the items that have been Changed
--- on rUSER DATA VIEW], using EUSER DATA SMARTOBJECT], execute the Delete method for all the items that have been Deleted

--- on >ATTACHMENT VIEW], execute the Create method for all the items that have been Added


The issues we are seeing are:

- 3 times now an entry in the Attachment database table has been created with all the proper data EXCEPT THE ATTACHMENT.  We store the actual file attachment in the database as an nvarchar(max), but in these instances the field is empty.  The file itself is not the problem because if the business owner retries a second time for the same data and attachment it works.

- 2 times now an entry in the User Data database table has been created with only the data the user had entered (the user name), but ALL the data that was pulled from the account SQL database is missing.  The strange thing is, this data was displayed on the form prior to the user hitting submit, but when we try to write this data to the database it is empty data.


Any ideas?  Both issues appear to have a similar root cause:  on rare instances when writing data to the database the form believes the data that DOES exist and IS shown on the form is empty.


Unfortunately I have been unable to replicate the issue or find any further clues to the root cause.  We have not seen this in QA or Staging.

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