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After creating and deploying a package from the source environment to the target environment, the workflow does not seem to be able to find a smartobject that was used in a client step, as a destination.


After looking at the GUID in the error, we noticed that the workflow (In the target environment) was still pointing to the smartobject in the source environment. It seems as if 4.6.9 (With PandampD rollup 3) does not refactor the smartobject GUID on process level.


We saved the process in the target environment to disk as a WKPRX. We opened the WKPRX in notepad++ and searched for the smartobject GUID in the error message. (The GUID for the smartobject in the source environment) We found several instances and did a "find and replace" finding the "source GUID" and replaced it with the "target GUID". We opened the updated WKPRX in the designer, deployed the process, and it was working as expected after that.

(For tracking purposes, I have created a bug for this item in TFS, with setup and repro steps. I have liked this ticket to the TFS item.)

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