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I´m having a bit of trouble figuring this out. I have a SmartObject with a List method that takes one input parameter. I need to get the list, and only return a value if a certain criteria is true. 

Now, using DataEvent I can call the List method and filter the data and returning the apporpriate value BUT there is no possibility of choosing an input parameter.

What is the best way of solving this??

Pleas help --- sooooooon


ps. If I have three lines from one activity, each with different line rules, does K2 always route the lines from left to right, f.ex. going down the first line to the left - if false check next line, if false then check next line, if true go that line?

I had a quick look on my side using the data event, for the destination I selected a process data field and for the source i specified the Get List method of my SmartObject, the 1st screen in the SmartObject wizard you need to define the Input Mappings, its on this screen that you will see all parameters part of the Get List method for your SmartObject.

About the lines, K2 will evaluate every line that runs out of an activity regardless the outcome of the rule. The outcome of the rule will only determine whether that lines is followed. It is possible to have multiple lines that is true so all will be followed. Deep down in K2 Server execution it might be that lines are executed in a specific order and that would probably be based on the order that you have added the Outcomes on the activity configuration. What is important is that all lines gets evaluated regardless the outcome of other lines and only the lines that is true gets followed.

Let me know if you have more questions.
