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we are using a smartobject in a email event to return email id for the originator's manager. We used input value as 'ActivityInstanceDestUserManager' for that smartobject.

But it goes to error state with the error message 'SmartObject is Empty'.

The originator is having a Manager, when tested using smartobject tester.

Any ideas !!!

Hi ,

I’m shooting from the hip here but the error might occur because the SmartObjects were created using the "Read" method. Does not return any data (when executed from the Service Tester no records are returned). Try to change the method type to "List" and redeployed the SmartObjects to see if it works.

If not, you will have to log a support ticket for the Support team to investigate further.

Kind regards,

This error is coming only in production, but this worked in Dev & QA environments.
