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Hi everyone, 

I  created a smart object what calls a WCF, it was configured on endpoint in k2 workspace, this WCF service performs the task of inserting a record in a list of SharePoint 2013, but when running the SMO shows error : " The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme Anonymous the authentication header received from the server was NTLM.

Also i have been tested the configuration in the file "K2HostServer.exe.Config" in the section         "<smo Services>" , and adding the endpoint of the service, but havn't  had success on this, when I run it, I get the SMO the same error. 

I hope I can you collaborate to solve this problem because I am new to this tool k2 blackpearl.



  <smoServices enableEndpoints="true" enableEvents="true" enableCrossDomainPolicy="true" specialCharacterReplacement="_" scheme="http" server="IDBSP2013.IDB.internal" port="8888" serviceRoot="SmartObjectServices">

    <wcf binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="wsHttpBinding+Windows" />

<wcf binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpEndPointBinding" />

    <rest binding="webHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="webHttpBinding+Windows" />




<endpoint categoryPath="Default" alias="SMOCreateNotification" isolationLevel="single" smartobjectName="SMOCreateNotification" >

<wcf binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpEndPointBinding"/>




      <excluded all="false">


        <endpoint categoryPath="SMOCreateNotification" excludeSubCategories="true" />








       <binding name="BasicHttpEndPointBinding">  

          <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">  

            <transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm" /> 

            <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default" />  







Does the web service add the items to your sharepoint list, when you call it directly through the WCF tester or similar programs.
