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Process is using a Smartobject on a list to upload an attachment from an InfoPath form. Earlier event in the process uses same Smartobject without issue.
Customer is getting the following error when SmartObject event in one of the activities is executed:
“28083 ServerEvent: SmartObject cxxxx] could not be found.”


We checked and could not file this SmartObject Guid in iK2]. SmartBroker].oSmartObject]. After investigating, we found that this SmartObject was recreated at some point, and the new Guid was assigned.


Perform the following steps:

1.Back up the SmartObject using SmartObject Service Tester tool in Prod as an sodx file just in case we need to restore it back.
-Right click the SmartObject and select To Sodx.

2.Delete this SmartObject in Target environment

3.Export and import this SmartOject from Source to Target via K2 Site Settings.

4.Remove and re-add SmartObject event in the process.

5.Redeploy this process in target environment.

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