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Hi guys

i would like to know the pros and cons if i want to use smartforms instead of infopath to make use of MOSS 2007 form library.

I feel the performance will be better with smartforms updating form library, if we can make use of ASP.NET,SMARTFORMS and AJAX effectively.

anyone have experience or ideas?

Well, first and most important to note is that 2003 Smartforms are not supported for Visual Studio 2005. If you still have Visual Studio 2003, you can still use 2003 Smartforms but I would still recommend to use normal aspx pages utilizing the K2ROM object model. This approach gives you more control over the solution - IMO, even better than using InfoPath forms.

Hi Ockert

Thanks a lot for the information. What i understand is the smartforms are out of scope now? Or we can expect with future versions of K2.

Yes, as far as I know, Smartforms as we know it today will not exist in future versions of the product - but don't worry, you won't need it.


I have an important issue with InfoPath. Which is a major difference between infopath and smart forms.

 If you have created any infopath document within sharepoint, the process will work smoothly, however, every participant of the process should have read write access to the document library. That means anyone can change the content of the document even if he is not a participant in the process.

However, In smart forms, only the current participant will see it (or an administrator) and now one else can see it.

Anyone has a solution or work around for this problem?





Hope you're still looking for a solution to this.  If not, try this.  When users complete the forms in Infopath, submit the XML stream to K2.  Since the schema now resides in the K2 Process, you can upload them back to the Forms library using the Sahrepoint Document event.  Grant the users Restricted Read rights and the K2 service account Full Control Rights.  The service account will now be the only one able to upload copies of the submitted requests.  You should also create read only views on the InfoPath doc, that way when you upload it back to the Form Library the information is read only.


