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I have a view where we are using a mix of OOTB validation and custom data validation using a SmO. The SmO stores its output in a hidden data label. To Repro the issue.

1. Create an item view to add / edit some data.
2. Add a hidden data label of type text and don't set it to True
3. On the Add / Save / Submit button add two conditions
a. The form passed validation (make sure this one is first)
b. a control on the form contains specific value (hidden data label from 2, Value = True)
4. Add some logic when both conditions are true
5. Add a separate condition (independent block from the ones in 3) that runs when the hidden data label is not 3. this show a validation message.
6. Save
7. edit the rule from 3, note that the condition declared in 3b is now before the condition 3a
8. Run the form with data that makes both conditions in 3 false. The message from the rule is step 5 will show, but the OOTB form validation does not indicate a missing required field.

In our case it looks like the conditions are changing order and then short circuiting when the first does not pass. This ends up only showing part of the validation errors to the user on the first submit. We would like our rule order not to be changed so that the short circuiting (which is OK) does not keep the OOTB validation messages from showing.




This is a known issue.




Labs has linked the ticket to an existing TFS and provide workaround as follow:

Delete the advanced condition out of the button clicked rule.
Add another button and make that hidden (This can also be a text control or anything).
Add the advanced condition to the hidden button/control.
Go back to the button, and add the rule "execute another rule" which references the hidden button.control.




As a thought, could you link the words "existing TFS" to your tracking system? That would allow me, several months later when I've got the same issue, to see that link, click it and see if it's resolved, where maybe an upgrade or hot fix would correct the issue. Right now I don't know if there's any remedy to the issue.


As an example Microsoft implements this functionality on their connect website.

