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Smartforms Server Error 0x1F




I have deployed several smart forms. Most users can use them without issue. However some users only get the error.

Any Smartform -
Server Error, hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 2712.

Work list APP part on SharePoint page
Server Error, hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 2712.

Workspace -
Works fine




There is an illegal character in the group: zz_Project_BOON_Quality
Looking at the debug in normal text, you don't see anything funny with zz_Project_BOON_Quality.

But if you look at it in n hex editor, you can see the 1F (marked as a .) right after the zz before the underscore.

If you try to create a group in AD with the 1F character in, you will get an error when I copy the character from the error log file in notepad and paste it in between “test” and “illegal” ...

Client found the issue with the Group , removed members from it and will recreate the group



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