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I made a Report Form to check information over the processes and it worked great when it was made on Development Environment when i tried to deploy to the Testing Environment it has some issues where it doesn't show certain date ranges. Error in Smartforms:


Error in K2 hostserver log:

SourceCode.SmartObjects.ServiceBroker ExecuteSmartObject], "10702 An error occurred in the WorkflowReportingService service instance. Non-native SQL Execution not supported on Smartobject."


This was a bug that was discovered and resolved in K2 blackpearl version 4.6.9 which deals with datetime not being handle correctly when K2 server have certain regional settings.


Upgrading to 4.6.9 would resolve this issue. To workaround this issue, the regional setting was configured on the non-working environment to match the working environment.

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