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Hello everyone,


I have an issue with the Package & Deployment tool where its not showing me any smartform when I try to create a deployment package. I can see workflows and smart objects but cannot see any forms. I am currently using 4.6.9 with smartforms 1.0.6. The onyl change to the machne I have made , tha tI know of is I ran the repair for the K2 for Visual Studio 2010 because I could no longer right clck and edit line rules. This fixed the right click issue but it seems to have broken something else.


Advice wuld be greatly appreciated. Is ther any other way to deploy smartfomrs to another envirnment other than using Package & Deployment.





I believe there is a cold fix for this, open a support ticket to get the fix please.




Thanks. I will open a support ticket.



Just a question:


If you run the host server in console mode and try to creat your package, do you see the following error?


Error 30003 Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'SourceCode.Forms.Authoring.Eventing.Action'.
Error 30003 FormService has encountered an error.
Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'SourceCode.Forms.Authoring.Eventing.Action'.
InnerException: Cannot access a disposed object.

HI Mustafa,


I do not see the 3003 error code at anytime during creating the package on the console.


Try the following on the K2 blackpearl server:


1. Stop the K2 blackpearl Server.

2. Navigate to “C:ProgramDataSourceCodeHostServerRuntimeCache” (It’s in a hidden folder so you need to make it visible).

3. Backup the folder then delete all contents of that folder.

4. Restart K2 blackpearl Server.

Hi All,


Thanks for the replies. I managed to solve this issue. It was because I ran the repair tool to repair the missing right click. This must have overwritten one of the K2 cold fixes. I reapplied the cold fix and the issue was resolved.


