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Smartforms Issue


We have a smartObject that uses a SQL service instance. I can run the smartObject using the tester utility and it returns data

I am using the same smartObject on a View but when I try execute it's load method an error is thrown
"Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON' "



We changed a lot of settings on the environment.
1. Changing them to use windows auth for runtime in IIS since they don’t use Claims. (in IIS, under the Forms – Runtime – runtime folder, changed from forms/anonymous to windows)
2. Changing the SQL service instance to use the FQN instead of the short name

This resolved the issue for 5 minutes and then started giving the error again.

3. Verified all SPN’s were configured for the FQN and Shortname.
4. Verified in AD that delegation was setup correctly
5. Changed the sql service instance to NOT use native sql execution
6. IIS Reset
7. Restarted K2 Blackpearl Service
8. Cleared browser cash

We did this because we saw 2 auth requests coming in.
“use native sql execution” is only used when using a LIST method and even though we were using the READ method it appears that this had an impact on the clients environment. After changing this to false the issue wasn’t present. Tested for 15 minutes to see if it stops working again.

It is still working fine.

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