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Hi K2 Experts,

I'm getting the following message when trying to access a SmartForm with a Finish button for a particular event:

GENERAL_GROWTHArnold.T.SMITH is not allowed to open the worklist item

A colleague and I have been experimenting with just one event. Whoever navigates to the Finish page first (without actually clicking the Finish button to resolve the event), prevents the other from doing the same, generating the above message.

We're in the same AD group. We're both listed to be Destination recipients of a Finish event.

It was my understanding that any and every person in the Destination list has the ability to at least navigate top the Finish page before it has been completed. Am I incorrect in that?

Thank you in advance.
Hi Arnold,

I do not know whether the activity where this client event is in has only one slot or a slot per destination. (This can be seen in the 'Activity General' in the Properties of the activity)

How it works is as follows:

Assuming there is one slot only and 2 destination users:

The event is shared between the two users. (One slot means one event id)Each of them will see the workitem in their respective worklist but as soon as the first opens the event it will be removed from the worklist of the other user. (This can be verified by refreshing the workspace for this second user.)

Once a workitem is opened the status of the workitem changes and the second user is not allowed to open the workitem anymore. If the user who originaly opened the workitem 'releases' the item through the workspace the other user will see the item in his worklist again.

Hope this explains the 'weird' behaviour 🙂
