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I am evaluating K2 .Net and am putting together a small workflow to demonstrate it to my management. I have created the first smartform to initiate the workflow and I can see the process data and the flow execution from the workspace reports. However, the smartform that is handling the next activity being executed does not get populated witht the process data when initiated.

I have verified that the solution, project, process and activity are correctly set on the smartform properties. I have verified that each control is pointing to the ProcData field I want. I don't get any errors when bringing up the smartform. It just doesn't bind to the process data.

Interestingly though, I have two FinishButton's on the form. When I submit the form with either button the workflow progresses as it should and the necessary process data is updated by the smartform.
Can you see the process instance from the workspace reports, and does the process have data associated with it?

On the form that initiates the process (the 'Plan' form), you should have a 'Plan' button which will create the process instance. The 'Finish' button is used on subsequent forms to 'finish' that particular client event. The 'update' button is used when you want to update process data and don't want the client activity to be finished yet.

Secondly, have you associated the second form in your process with an activity? There should a client event under an activity in your process design which points to your second form.
Thank you for responding Niel. All of those things have been checked and are true. The plan page does initiate the process. I can see the progress of the flow and the process data from the workspace reports.

In addition, I do have finish buttons on the second form and when I complete the second form the workflow does progress to the third activity as it should. The third activity also has a form associated with it and it too does not display the process data.
Does the user account which is opening the subsequent pages have rights on the process? Use the K2 Service Manager to check rights on the process... the user that is opening the second/third page should at least have view/participate rights.
Yes. The account opening the subsequent page has access and can even submit the page with a finish button that sets one of that process data values to true or false. You can see it update the process data in the subsequent activity and continue with the process flow.
Are you running any code in the page.load event?
No. Just trying to create a very simple SmartForm driven workflow to demonstrate to management.

Thanks for your help!
Niel, as I said in my original post, I am evaluating the product and have had not real training with it. K2 support has come through for me and pointed out that I was using planpage for my pagetype on the following activities. Changed the pagetype to clientpage and all is working great! Thanks for the help!
