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I'm trying to create an InfoPath form that can query a SQL Database to get information for a few fields.  I would normally use the Database Connection within InfoPath, but I need this to be a web form so that won't work.  Can I create a Smart Object that can query the database and return the required information?  If so, how would I go about this?  I've gone through the Smart Object tutorial but it is connecting to a SharePoint list.  The database I'm using is quite sime (EmployeeName, JobDescription, Grade, SupervisorName, DepartmentCode, DepartmentDescription, HireDate).  Any help would be much appreciated.



Jason Thrasher


I will be showing how to do this tomorrow in the user group.  It will be recorded and made available on this site later.

Is this a custom database?  From what is sounds like that is a yes.  You will need to write a custom smartobject service and then create a smartobject to use that service.

If you do not want to write a custom service, just create new SmartObjects with the required columns and then go into the SmartBox database and insert your legacy data.  Simple.

Once you have this hooked up it is really simple.  When you add your IP form to the K2 process, there is a step to add smartobjects methods to the InfoPath form.  This will result in a new web service data connections being added to your InfoPath form.


Hi Jason


I am looking into using black pearl to provide a business object layer and am trying to find examples of integrating smart objects into existing SQL database or WCF services. I had a look at the recording you did at the Texas user group but the sound recording did not work so it was quite hard to follow.  Could you point me to any other sources of reference on this subject, the main area I am having problems with are the creation and publishing of the custom services.







I am not going to get to it tonight but this week I am going to make a posting on my blog on how to create custom services.

I will place the link here once I get it done...  So just subscribe to this forum and you will know when I get it up...



Thanks for the reply. I will look forward to the posting.



Just got it up, if you run into any issues, give me a heads up and I will fix it.

