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 I am working on a K2 Blackpearl POC and I am having issues connecting my InfoPath form to my SmartObject.  I have all the proper security authentication components inside of MOSS setup correctly, I can submit the form via the fat client,but no dice when connecting via form services.

 In the MOSS error log I have tracked down a error with the call into the smart object:

 Exception Message: The connection file http://k2101-d01-01:4444/K2 BlackPearl Data Connections/InfoPath Web Service/Execute Smart Object Method.udcx does not exist.

Does anyone out there know why my SO would not publish a udxc file? I checked in the MOSS UDC file directory and did not see any BP files?

I am on a tight dealine this week so any and all help would be greatly appreciated.



Normally the udcx files will be created for you when you use the InfoPath Process integration wizard.  If you are manually trying to configure the form to use form services, you need to manually create the ucdx files from InfoPath and give permissions manually as outlined by the Microsoft documentation.
