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HI all, 


Just wondering if you guys have had a similar issue. I have a smartobject that is built on top of stored procedures. This all runs fine in my development Machie. When I package and deploy into a QA machine through package and deployment tool it all deploys fine and no errors are shown. When I try to run the smartobject it give me a object reference not set error. 


Any tips would be very helpful.


Thanks in advance.

I've seen that error out when permissions aren't setup the same way in the Dev to Prod SQL server.  


Other times, my DBA did not properly copy the SP over as it was in Dev...I.E. a variable is missing that was in on the test side.

Also, be sure the SQL service instance was refreshed after the stored procedure was installed on Q.

Hi S0m3one,


You can also try to recreate the SmartObject from the service instance after it has been refreshed.


And then try to execute the SmartObject from the tester tool first to see if every thing working.


Hope this helps




Hi all, 


Thanks for your replies. The permissions are set up correctly in the DB. The SQL Service Instance is running under the service account and the service account has all the permissions for read write etc same as the development DB. I have recreated the smartobject directly on from the service instance through smartobject tester like quintin said and that one works. However, my original amartbject was only one smartoject with many methods that point to the stored procedure, Could it be that one of them is failing and causing the whole smartobject to give the Object reference not set error.




@Update: When I expand the nodes of the sql service instance down to one of the list methods. I cannot see any return properties whcih could be the issue. In, my development machine I can see the retrun properties for that particluar method (stored procedure). However the stored procedure script is exactly the same. I have refreshed the SQL serivice instance several ties with no luck. Does this sound like a issue you guys have encountered before.

Have you tried examing the HostServer.log files for additional info?


You could also try enalbing SmartObject logging to see what's going on.

Hi all, 


Got this sorted, It was permissions after all but on a seperate DB. It seems the SQL Service Instance looks for more than just the schema of a stored procedure. I was only looking at permissions on the DB that the stored procedure was on. I realised that one of the stored procedures joined onto another table in another database and once I gave the K2 service account permissions on that it was able to show all return properties.


Hope this helps someone else who might have a similar issue. 
