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Hi all,

I tried to create a smart object method using the DynamicSQLSPService to get data from one of my custom tables but when i create a smartobject method it is not showng  input property mapping.

for procedures which does not have input paramaters the smartobject method does not show any return properties when executed via the tester tool.



Deleting the service type and registering it again resolved this issue and surfaced another one 😞 . when i create a smartobject method im gettin the following error while clicking finish

The Service method could be found. Therefore you cannot edit this service at this time

I have attached the image.



Hi There,


There are 2 stages to resgistering a service object.

1) Registering the Service Type, this lets K2 know that a service is available and where the underlying assembly for the service resides. 

2) Register a service instance: This is where you get to create an instance of the Service Type (pass in configuration parameters ect) and the service will then generate a schema associated to that type which will represent the properties and methods the service exposes.

In the case of the dynamic sql objects you will need to re-register the type and then create an instance, this should ask you for the database you are registering the instance for and then query the database and return back the available  stored procs and associated properties. 

when registering the instance you may find that not all your stored procs have associated properties have been returned. This may be due to the account you are using the run the app which registers the instance does not have sufficient privilages on the DB ect..


Once you have registered a new service type and instance these will have been assigned a new Guid . This Guid will invariably be different to that which the original smartobject had when you connected a smartobjectmethod to the service object. You will therefore need to remove and re-add you smartobject methods so they then associate themselves with the new Guid.

