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Smart Actions functionality does not work




We have a workflow with smart actions enabled, but it appears that K2 is not actioning these items.




We checked the Exchange Integration settings and they seems to be correct  (though validation in Setup Manager fails - which may happen sometimes).




We have an Exchange 2010 SP3 mailbox sitting with an Exchange 2016 Webmail server at front end. If we change the K2 server to point to the old Exchange 2010 SP3 Webmail the issue is still there.




We also have error mentioned in this KB: SmartAction replies are not actioned, i.e. this one:




61012 Exception from message source System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The request failed schema validation: The element 'ItemShape' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'Header' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'IncludeMimeContent, BodyType, AdditionalProperties' in namespace ''. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Objectm] parameters) at SourceCode.MessageBus.Ews.Exchange.ExchangeServiceBinding.GetItem(GetItemType GetItem1) at SourceCode.MessageBus.Ews.ExchangeWebServicesConnection.GetMessage(ItemIdType id, DefaultShapeNamesType shape, BodyTypeResponseType responseType) at SourceCode.MessageBus.Ews.ExchangeWebServicesConnection.ItemReady(MessageType item) at SourceCode.MessageBus.Ews.ExchangeWebServicesConnection.EndSyncFolderItems(Object sender, SyncFolderItemsCompletedEventArgs e)



Issue was caused by the fact that the UPN and Primary SMPT Address for the SmartActions account did not match up . See the following KB for more information: SmartAction replies are not actioned

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