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We are trying to access the "List" method of the SmartObject "Activity Instance Destination" and are filtering with some process names. This is giving us the desired result but the performance is very slow. It is taking about a minute to fetch the results. Is there any way to improve the performance of this call?




1. Using input parameters or filters when you get the list results back means that you will have to get the entire result set back and filter accordingly before seeing the results, this will take a lot of time. A suggestion is to apply directed input when calling List method.




2. Another suggestion is to rebuild the indexes on K2 databases. Please see the "Rebuilding Indexes" section for this KB on unconsolidated dbs:


For consolidated database (single K2 database), it uses the Utility.Maintain_IndexDefrag sproc that is available per database. If you edit this sproc, it will have details regarding its implementation and parameters. This should increase DB performance somewhat.



Recommendation: Applying direct input when calling list method and rebuilding indexes improved the performance of Reporting SmartObject calls.



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