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I would like to target specific users/groups as having permission to manually start site workflows. At the moment, the only option I can find is "Require manage web rights" - is there anything more granular than this?


Ideally, I would like to keep the "Require manage web rights" unchecked and still filter who can see/initiate the workflow from "All Site Content".





You'll see the permissions you'll need to grant your group listed in this table by Emily Billing​ in the following post: Permissions to design form or workflow


Hi Mike,

Thanks for responding.

I have seen that document but I was hoping for a more granular way of targeting groups/users for site workflows than doing it at site level. I want specific site workflows available to specific users/groups.

The only way I can think of approaching this at the moment is to have steps in the workflow itself that check for group membership and halt if appropriate.



I can't believe you have to give Full permissions to a site to allow workflow designers to design site workflows.  This really should be addressed in future versions.

Boris, IIRC, by design, users with site Read permission can run Site Workflows. You should be able to control individual workflow editor permissions in the Nintex site collection controls for workflows.

Hope this helps,

