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I am a bit baffled by how single slot activities work in BP (803) as apposed to 2003, here is the situation:

I have a very simple approval activity that goes to a K2 role with 3 members.
The Destination Rule is defined as:
- Plan per Destination, All at Once
- 1 Slot, Resolve all Roles to Users
- Users = K2 Role with contains UserA, UserB, UserC

Client event is opened with : OpenWorklistItem(sn, "ASP", true, false);

1) All Users can see the worklist item after the workflow is started.
---> Management console shows 3 WorklistItems: Available, Available, Available Ok, so far]

2) UserA opens the worklist but does not act on it immediately, closes his browser.
---> Management console shows 1 Worklistitem for UserA: Open I'm lost, I expected Open, Allocated, Allocated] ?

3) UserB and UserC in the mean time, opens their e-mail, they received a notification from K2

4) UserB clicks on the link in his e-mail, and he opens the item without a problem, even sees all the actions. ? Expected an error unless IgnoreStatus=true?]
---> Management console now shows 2 Worklistitems: Open, Open..?]

5) UserC clicks on the link in his e-mail, and he opens the item without a problem, also sees all the actions.
---> Management console now shows 2 Worklistitems: Open, Open, Open n??]

6) UserA goes into the workspace to look at his Worklist, he doesn't see any worklist items sHe was the one that opened it, he should see it, not?]

7) UserB goes into the workspace to look at his Worklist, he doesn't see any worklist items sYet, management console shows he as a worklist item]

8) UserC goes into the workspace to look at his Worklist, he doesn't see any worklist items sSame, management coneolse show he has an item]

Any help in understanding how it now works will be great, thanks.

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