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Running Blackpearl 4.6.9.

Under Workspace > Process Overview > [process instance] , you get a really nice hierarchical view of the actions, data, audit for the selected process intsance, and each of the activities in the process instance (and each of the events therein). At each of these levels is a nice Excel-or-PDF export option.


This is really good, but even better would be the option of a single consolidated exported PDF that shows all the actions & events sequentially, with the audit data at each level in one long PDF. Does such an option exist but I've misse dit?? If it doesn't how could we build our own?


This is particuarly useful when an auditor or similar says "show me" but the process is pretty long or had a few round trips in it. That could be a lot of PDF export button clicks. 

I don't recall K2 having this feature currently. You can log a feature request to K2 for this. There is a number of reporting service instances and smartobjects available out of the box that you can play around with to get the information you want. Then use SmartForms to generate the report you want and use the PDF control to save everything into a PDF.
