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In a different thread, it was kindly pointed out to me that you can use the advanced destinations rule wizard to make an activity repeat for each item in a given repeating xml node, effectively simulating a for-each loop (kinda).  To do this, start the destinations rule wizard and check off the 'Advanced Mode' option (you'll have to go back a screen to get this) and specify 'Plan per slot (no destinations)' and then 'Select a list field to determine how many slots should be created'.  This is a great feature that works very well for its intended purpose, but I want to take it a step further and actually get at the data in the xml repeating node for each iteration.  Good thing is, this data is available to any event in the repeating activity via the ActivityDestinationInstance.InstanceData field - bad news is that this field simply concatenates all the values in the repeating node into one giant non-delimited string.  Is there a better way to go after this data?  I basically am trying to loop through all of the rows in an InfoPath repeating table and create a smart object using the column data for each row.
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