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Hi everybody,


I simply just want to show a pop-up message for each returned record of a SmartObject list method on my SmartForm. The pop-up message must contain some data from the associated record.


The approach I found to do this is to create a SmartForms list view from this SmartObject, and in the Initialize rule I  run the SmartObject method and added the following rule:


For All rows

then show a message to the user


First I tried putting the SmartObject fields in the popup and that works great.  So I made the list view hidden on my form and the pop-ups come up the way I want with the relevant data.  The problem is that two of my fields are date time type, and I need to format them to be more friendly to the user.  I cannot for the life of me figure out some other way of getting these fields to show up so that I can control the format!  It seems obvious to me that I could instead use the list view controls instead of the SmartObject fields, but when I do that they are blank!


Any idea?

Dear ,


Just one question to understand u more , u want to have a pop up for each record ? or 1 pop up that includes all records returned at once , in the same pop up msg?


altho , 1 idea i got that might help u that i usually use in these cases is to create an expression ,

lets say u got 1 textbox empty named=ConcatenatedData , then add data label and put expression on this data label , expression will like like

Concatenate (ConcatenatedData,"here u put the value u get and u want it to show on popup)

Note: if u want to show all records at once , u will need to add <BR> after the expression data , just to have break lines after each record .

where to use this expression ?

in ur for all rows rule

transfer data , and transfer the expression into the text box , in this way u will have all records concatenated in ur text box .

and for ur pop up  , just show the text box .


in case u want a pop up for each record , just use the Expression idea to format ur msg , i do believe it can help u formatting better.


Hope it helps!


I want to show a pop-up for each record, not one pop-up of all records.


That doesn't work.  The problem is the controls are blank in my pop-up message - regardless if I use an expression or just set it to a value.

Hi Ahmad

WHat you described is eactly the solution I'm looking for in my project.

I want to execulte a smartobject - get results in a list view and then transfer all results of one column to a popup text box 

I've followed your example but cant get it to work - could you provide some screenshot or sample project - that would be great.

