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I'm looking for a simple workflow that will notify a group when an item has been in a SharePoint list for 20 days.


They are currently working off of a list that they have to go into once in a while to see if there are any pending items.


What I would like to do is replicate the logic in a workflow (Start Date < today - 20 AND Status = Open) <-- current view settings.


I'm not sure which approach to take when building the workflow and I could use some direction if anyone has any ideas.







You can have a look at triggers and start rules to see if you can not achieve this, Im not hundred percent sure about the logic but it seem possible within K2. 


Kind regards


Where are the triggers?  I tried to put a start rule on the Default Activity and for some reason, the workflow just completes without sending off the email.  

If you only need to apply this to documents added after your implementation, why not just put an escalation a dummy client event, to fire 20 days after item added, or similar?

Good Morning Gail,


Thanks for responding.


I thought about the escalation, but there are a few data fields that are also required (i.e. Status = Open OR Pending) and I wasn't sure how to tie those into that process.



I think I see where this one was getting messed up. 


I put a preceding rule in to fire if the Status evaluated to Open.  It is unable to evaluate that condition of the sharepoint column, even though it all looks correctly.  Because it's evaluating my condition to false, it just terminates the workflow.


