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I have to implement single sign on with smartform and membership application, but I couldn't achive this goal.


Security Provider

I have done the following for custom security provider:


1. Create custom Security Provider to use sql database for user management

2. Copy dll on K2 blackpearl security provider directory (C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBinsecurityproviders)

3. Insert a row in the K2 database tables AssemblyRegistration, SecurityProvider and SecurityLabel.

4. Restart k2 service.

5. Create a copy of the default SmartForm runtime site

6. Add an IIS application to the K2 web site with the alias RuntimeFBA

7. Edit the web.config of the FBA site and enable Forms authentication

8. Test the smartforms FBA runtime site


SmartForm FBA site is now working with custom sql database users.


Single Sign On ASP.NET Application


I followed the below link to implement custom authentication with custom membership application:


  • Created custom Membership Provider which used the same database of custom security provider
  • Created custom ASP.NET membership application using custom membership provider
  • Configuration changes for ASP.NET application & SmartForm Runtime FBA Application
  • Place link of SmartForm in home page
  • Test application, after successful login when clicking on the link of SmartForm it is redirecting to the login page of SmartForm runtime FBA Application


But the link of custom package is not available:


K2 Underground SharePoint Authentication solution


I couldn't achive the Single Sign on with smartForm and Custom Membership application, can anyone help me to achive the signle sign on with custom membership? it will be highly appriciated.





Hi Arif,


Please try the following link to access the SharePoint Solution Authentication Package: SharePoint Solution Authentication Package.





I have not received any feedback regarding this post. If you managed to work through the issue, please provide some insight.


