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Any way to save the signature as a image?



Is there a version available, i am not using K2 smartforms



I'm trying to use this custom control.

I deployed the SMO in DigitalSignatureObjects, but whe I run the RegisterCustomControl.bat, we can't find the DigitalSignature.dll, because it doesn't exist on this folder.


Anyone can help me please?


Best Regards,

Óscar Gomes

You should be able to save the signature as an image. Deploy the sample view from the package for info and pay close attention to the rules for the view. The control has a Save As Image method.


As a general rule, whenever I prepare to deploy one of these, I run the build for the project in Visual Studio first. Then, if you go to the bin/debug folder in the project, make sure you see the .dll.  The same register batch is in the Debug folder, so I ran it from there to ensure I got all the files moved that were needed.



Please find below for the error, I am getting when trying to deploy the signature pad control in K2 black pearl 4.6.9. Please help me. 





Hi Chetan,


What you're attempting to do above is deploy the view that showcases the control's features. Make sure you build the package above in Visual Studio first. Refer to the prior post for additional guidance if you run into issues with the .dll:


@laurence wrote:
As a general rule, whenever I prepare to deploy one of these, I run the build for the project in Visual Studio first. Then, if you go to the bin/debug folder in the project, make sure you see the .dll.  The same register batch is in the Debug folder, so I ran it from there to ensure I got all the files moved that were needed.



As long as you've deployed the actual control, deploying this view should then be successful.




Steps as per my deployment :)

1-Copy DigitalSignature.dll to forlder "scap-k2-signature-controlDigitalSignature" Download DLL here

2-Click in file "RegisterCustomControl.bat" and will open promite screen then click enter.

3-restart blackpearl service from "services in control banel"

4-deploy package by k2 packaging and deployments and continue all steps

5-in k2 desinger will find folder DSign also control Signuature in view.


I hope this be heplfull :)



Please is there someone who has already saved the digital signature as pdf ?


Best Regards 

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Hi All,


I am unable to save the digital signature as pdf file using "Save as PDF" control.


Any help is appreciated.


Thank you.

