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I used to work a lot with NINTEX workflows 2007 and now I am testing 2013.

Back in 2007 when I started a workflow for the first time a column was created with the name of the workflow that showed the workflow status in a e.g. list view.

Is this not available anymore with the 2013 version? Or could there be something installed wrong?

Thanks Karin

Hi Karin,

Maybe you can check this post



I think he is talking about the Status of the workflow, rather than an approval status of a document or item. The column that returns "In Progress", "Error Occurred", "Completed" etc, correct?

For me this column is still be created whenever I publish a workflow and is added to the default view automatically.

Have you published the workflow?

If you have then it does sound like there's an issue.


thanks, but the checkbox "create workflow status column" is checked and still no status column. And yes, I have started the workflow already at least once ;-)

Any other ideas?



Did you workflow complete normally if you check your history?


That shouldn't make a difference in this case. The column should display as soon as it has been published.

An error occurred, but still... this should be shown in the column. At least it used to be like this in 2007.


Can you make a simple workflow with one single action: a log action to see if your workflow is the root cause of the issue.


You may want to check this, Missing Workflow Status Column - Nintex Workflow

