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I have a request approval task in my workflow. On this task, in the task edit form, i am showing data from another list which has a repeater section. I used listitem control to show the data from another list in this task form. With listitem control , data is appearing like xml to the approver. I want to show the data in to html format. How do i do that. Is there a way in javascript.

there is not any direct/easy way.

typically, repeating section XML is being rendered in list views (not a list view control!) in some understandable way using either of two concepts

- using client side rendering, like depicted eg. here Displaying Repeating Section as table in List View - the CSR approach 

- using special add-on that introduces "Repeating Section Data Field Type", like described here  Displaying Repeating Section Data in List Views, The Easy Way! 

however, I'm not sure whether this is applicable on/within  list view control, I've never tried that.

see following post for possibly another approach how present item's data on task form  

You can transform Repeating Section by Workflow actions to html (see ) and then inject into form control or use javascript directly in Nintex form by selecting xml in the same way as html  using jquery  and transform data to html.
