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Could anyone list the available options for sharing workflow status with end users.





Hi BigA,


Can you please give more details about this?

where are you trying to share it? do you want to show it on a form? 

I'd like to be able to show end users the status of thier WF request, what stage it is at, the activities that have been completed, the pending activities, and future activities.


What I'm looking for is options to get this completed.  Is there a way to show this on a smartform?  Are there other options?





From the Reporting Smartobjects you can show the user the completed and currently active activities, but not future ones as it depends on the actions of the users on current activities.

To display the completed/active activities, use the Activity instance SmartObject under the Workflow Reports > Workflow General category and bind that to a SmartForm List view which you can insert onto a form, filtered by the ProcInstID.


If you do need to show future activities and there is a deterministic set of activities that should be followed, consider creating your own SmartObject that can be used to capture all the activities and their status.

When you process starts, populate that SmartObject with a row for each of the possible activities. Then on each of the activities, update the associated row with the status. Then in your form, show the list from this SmartObject.

This will give you enough flexibility, provided that your workflow updates this SmartObject on each activity when it starts and when it completes.


Hope this helps!





would the viewflow not give you all the information you need including a nice vizual presentation of the workflow?

I thinking of going the way of a smartform with reporting smartobjects; however, I need users to be able to look up the status of their submitted requests.  Is that possible and how?  I now I can use the worklist smartobject but that only shows the items currently assigned to that user and not those submitted by the user.



You can still use the reporting smartobjects.

If a user submitted a request and then calls the Activity Instances Reporting SmartObject, then the submitted instances will be there showing that it is active.


Ensure that the users submitting requests have View Participate rights on your process or alternatively View rights.

If they don't have one of these rights, they won't be able to see anything.



