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Dear all,

this will be my first post, but i'll be back here many times in the future I expect!

See the attached JPG to see my issue, in as little words as possible, i've got a missing site from the K2 object browser, is there anything I need to do before it will appear?

The missing site is "CMMi Workflow" and is a standard team site off the portal site 'VirtualPoint'

 many thanks in advance for any advice you can give

Martin Allen (QinetiQ plc)


If you already created the site reference through the workspace, right-click on the Sites and Workspaces node and select Refresh.

Hi MattM

 of course, we tried the refresh option, but to no avail :-(

 anyone else got any hidden gems of wizdom?



I don't have the answer but I encountered this problem too. I've never been able to spot what made the site appear in the object browser.

However, what you can do is creating a new instance of the SharePoint Service (in the management console, under SmartObjects --> Services). This new instance should be "aware" of your last changes in Sharepoint.

I know it's not a real solution, sorry.

Thanks for your reply Nicolas,

we did try adding it to the smartobjects -> services section in the K2 [blackpearl] Management Console as you say in your post, however this method still doesnt solve the problem for us.



Hi Martin,

I'm not sure what's going on with that site, but try changing the name of the site to "Process Improvement (CMMi)" and the site URL to <servername>/pi.

I'll forward to the product team if this works for you to see if they can figure out why it's happening with this name/url.



Hi MikeT,

Many thanks for your post. I will go into the office this morning and give this a go. Am I right in thinking that you reckon that we may have stumbled upon a reserved word 'Workflow' in the URL/Site name?

I did wonder as much yesterday.

The product team should be aware of this issue as i've sent a support ticket to them.

kind regards


Hi MikeT

Well done, you cracked it! Using the word 'Workflow' in a site name makes it invisible in the K2 Object Browser - i'll report this to the product team as part of the ongoing support ticket

If 'Workflow' is reserved, what other words should we avoid before a fix is applied?

Many thanks for all the replys on this - perhaps this little snippet of information should be made a sticky in case anyone else decides to use reserved words in the site name, however it puzzles me why this should happen, surely K2 uses the GUID of a site and not it's name to determine whether it is displayed in the K2 object browser? Something for the dev team to investigate I guess.


I got this reply from the K2 development team, so it would appear that it's nothing to do with reserved words... it's just a glitch!

The root cause of this glitch is that the first site (in alphabetical order) is always "lost" in the K2 Browser, and this will change if you create for instance a site called C and then one called B and then one called A, the last created one will always not show as it goes first in the list...
So a quick workaround is to create a dummy site called "1" (without quotes) so that it fills the first spot all the time...
The issue has also been flagged and will be fixed in a future release.


Thanks for keeping on top of this....
