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I am doing some playing around with the SharPoint Service and InfoPath.  I am trying to do some simple out of the box sort of stuff where I can do some basic operations like upload a file, get a file, get all files in a library, etc.

I am playing around with a SmartObject that I using a SharePoint Service that is pointing to a document library called Shared Documents.  I quickly added the SmartObjects to the InfoPath form with no problems.  When I call the Get List method it returns all of the files however the Link to Item field is never populated.  I really need that because I want to allow the user to click the link and let the file open right from the InfoPath form. 

I cannot get this field to populate for any of the other methods either.  Anyone know why?


I can't speak to why it doesn't work, etc.(sounds like a bug) but as long as you are able to retrieve the document name then you should be able build a link by just hardcoding in the first part of the url and then appending the document name to the end of it. Obviously not ideal, but that's one potential workaround.
