SharePoint allows you to require Content Approval for Documents being added to a Library. However, sometimes it is best to auto approve documents (maybe the document came from a Manager or similar scenario.) The Wizard does not show this setting in a workflow and so you cannot auto Approve documents.
However, if we call the Smartobject directly, we can automatically approve. Since this is in K2 for SharePoint you will need to allow this smartobject to be used in workflows. See the following documetnation on how to do this.
Enable Smartobjects in Workflows
Use the Document Library Smartobject.
There is a Approve Document by ID method. Use this.
It needs an ID (Your Document ID), a Approval Status (0-4) and a Memo (Not required.)
The IDs for each status are as follows:
0 - Approved
1 - Rejected
2 - Pending
3 - Draft
4 - Scheduled
If you need to automatically approve an item, just call this smartobject method, and provide the Status ID with 0. This will automatically approve the document.