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SharePoint now displaying error since 4.6.9 Update


Sharepoint fails to load. When disabling custom error, we saw the following error when attempting to load a Sharepoint site:

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Id 'Safari2' has already been specified and must be unique.

Source Error:
Line 21:
Line 22:
Line 23:
Line 24:
Line 25:
Attempting to edit a viewforms resulted in error:

keyword not supported: "designtimeintegratedsecurity"



Followed the post below to resolve the issue:
Most like a Sharepoint configuration/admin involvement was preformed to configure Sharepoint compatibility with other browsers.

We found the SQL service instance that the Smartobject was based off had "Extra" data "DesignTimeIntegratedData=FalseDesignTimeUserName" removing the extra data and updating the service instance resolved the issue.

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