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Im trying to create a simple workflow that will create a sharepoint library based on information that will be passed from a webservice. However, for testing Im trying to get it to work from Workspace and it seems I need an XML field to use for list naming in the wizard. Since Im not integrating with Infopath Im not sure how to supply a useable xml field to the process for testing. Any ideas?



Total guess...

When you walk through the SharePoint Integration wizard (double click the green start arrow), there is a place to add fields to the start form. Add a field called "List name". If you then send that into an xml data field you create and use in the workflow to create the list, It should work. Then when you go into production, just pass the Info Path value into the same variable.


Dave, you dont need XML field for the list name to create the library. I believe you have some data fields within the workflow which will be filled by the webservice call. In the workspace, click on "Start new" and then "Load Data fields" option. This will give you the option of manually entering the values for the data fields and a library will be created.

I was able to set it up to test from Workspace successfully. Thanks for all the help. Now to figure out the best method with a webservice. Im thinking of using the WS.asmx service StartNewProcessInstance. Wish I could find a good example of how its I imagine
