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Client cannot edit the ?Work List? List SmartObject that was generated by SharePoint. This SmartObject works normally, but cannot be edited from Designer. The error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. " is displayed.


Attempts to regenerate the SmartObject from SharePoint was unsuccessful. The SmartObject was exported using SMO Tester Tool and opened in K2 Studio and redeployed, but this also did not resolve the issue. The Client provided a database backup that was sent to the K2 Developers to investigate. They found a SmartObject association between the ?Work List? List SmartObject and a ?Problems? List SmartObject. In the ?Problems? List SmartObject there was a SmartObject association that was not linked to any property.


The ?Problems? List SmartObject was opened in K2 Designer and two unlinked SmartObject associations were deleted. After this was done the ?Work List? List Smartobject could be opened without any errors being displayed.

To verify, the K2 Applications on the ?Problems? List and ?Work List? list was opened to verify if the SmartObject were still in Sync.

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