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I have a SharePoint library which has a number of Nintex Approval Tasks to various department heads.

How do I get the comments made in the various Approvers to appear in the Document library?

I did add the Approvers Comments column to the SharePoint library.

But how do I get all the comments from the various department heads to appear.

Thanks for your help.


The solution here may be more complex than you are thinking or want.

The easiest suggestion would be to have a workflow that runs when an update is made and captures that update from the task and associates that with the comments field.  If you set the field to Multiple Lines, and do Plain text with the append feature.  The workflow should be able to add information to it each time.  You may have to capture the current information first, before you update the record and use a build string to basically add the current comments to the new comments.

Let me know if this helps.
