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I am confused with K2 AppIt and K2 for SharePoint  app.

Please tell me what is the difference in these both.

When I tried to search apps in SharePoint store I can see : K2 BlackPearl for SharePoint App which gets added to my APP Store. But when I searched for K2 Appit /Appit, search result returns nothing.


When I read documentation of K2 Appit, it shows me same options : SmartObjects, Forms,Workflows,Reports which also available in K2 Blackpearl for sharepoint APP but logo of K2 Appit is different.


Please, let me know what is the differenc betweeen these 2 and where K2 Appit is available to download or as trial to have look at how it works.


You help will be really appreciable

Thanks in Advanace.




The difference is that the K2 for SharePoint app is used to connect to an on-prem environment and the Appit app allows you to connect to your hosted Appit environment.


The Appit app is not available trough the store and is ditributed by support.


Please log a ticket to get the latest app.





Both K2 for sharepoint and K2 Appit provide the same functionality. You can create workflows, forms, data and reports. The difference is that K2 For sharepoint is for On-Premis environments and K2 Appit is for hosted Appit environment. 



Kind Regards



