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I recently set up a SharePoint group to be used as the destination for an InfoPath workflow. At first there was only one user in the group, but I've had to add more. The task does not seem to be picking up the new users now.

Does SharePoint need to cycle (for lack of a better word) before K2 picks up the group change? Is there a way to force that refresh? I chose a SP group over a K2 group so that the users could manage it themselves, as it changes somewhat frequently.

Also, I assume that the group needs to be set up with the "Who can view the membership of the group?  - Everyone" permission selected. Is that correct?

Thanks in advance

I ran into a similar issue, which seem to be resolved after changing the method of adding the group in the K2 context browser.

At first I added the group in the Context Browser via "SharePoint Users", with a "Plan per destination / All at Once / Create a slot for each destination / Resolve all roles and groups to users" method.  

At first this worked, however after making changes to the group (changing groups / adding new members, etc), I noticed inconsistency.  I also tried adding the group via "Groups / SP".  Eventually, no matter how I configured the "slots" everything failed with the error "An Activity with a client event should at least have one destination".

After reading some spotty suggestions to use the "K2" group in the context browser / "Groups" section, I added the SharePoint groups that way, and everything works as expected so far.

I plan on opening a ticket for some clarification (have seen references to 3 different ways to add SP groups in a process).

So, in the Context Browser / User Browser tab: Select the group from: Groups / K2. The group list may take a long time to load. Select the group title as listed (click on the name of the group next to the "+", and "Add".)

The destination set value will read: K2:SUBSITENAMEGROUPNAME with the "type" dropdown set to "Group" 

You can refer to this post maybe it answers your question if not please tell me, I may be able to help you more.

Task doesn't reach all role members

I hope this helps

Thank you both. I've tried both suggestions and they appear to be working so far.



I'm having the same issue,  Is there a way to force that refresh to the SP group from k2 workflow ?


Thank you, 

