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Firstly, apologies that this is not directly K2 related, but I'm posting here as well (I have also posted on an InfoPath forum) in the hope someone else might have come across the same problem and found a solution...

My InfoPath form has a data connection to SharePoint, and retrieves a list of documents. For a lot of K2 events, it needs the actual filename, but InfoPath doesn't allow you to get this from SharePoint (only fields like title, author etc are available). Is there a way to get InfoPath to show a document's filename as opposed to its title? For the documents I am dealing with the two are different.

I am heading towards writing a specific code event in K2 to do the lookup, but wanted to see if there were any other solutions out there :)



Instead of custom code, you can use a SmartObject, and include it in your form as a secondary data connection (in the Infopath Integration wizard, at SmartObject integration step, provide the method you want to use). I'm pretty sure you can get the actual file name this way.

I will get round to using a SmartObject, as that seems to be the more correct approach, but for now I am using code as I understand it better and the workflow is only at 'proof of concept' stage.


