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Hi All, 


I have a View that I have created specifically to display messages, Call It "InformationView" I have a SP list with an ID and InfoText


When I start my form I use the InformationView Several times on my various parts of my form to display a message to the User.

I simply pass the ID of the Message I want to display to the View and I have the Message surfaced up from the SP list. Works great


However, I am having some difficulty in working out how to get the style "Font | Alignment" in particular to be set at runtime.

Some of the messages I'd like Left aligned and some I'd like Centred etc.


My question is; Can you apply a "Centered, right aligned etc" Style to a Data Label Control on a view at run time?





This is not currently a feature that is available in SmartForms, I suggest that you log a K2 Feature Request ticket so that it can be looked at for a future release.


Kind Regards,


Thanks Raymond, I've submitted a feature request.

For the moment I'll create three views "InformationView-Left", "InformationView-Centre", "InformationView-Right" and set the label controls value at design time.
That way I can use the view that fits my need at the time on the form, if the feature is implemented down the track, I'll convert back to a single view.
