Working in SharePoint 2013 and Nintex 2013.
2 problems trying to solve - I had originally built this in WFs, but because I was attempting to update potentially 6 fields during an item modification, I was getting poor results due to the number of WFs firing. One of our SharePoint/Nintex solution architects suggested this could be better accomplished in the Form itself.
Editing my requirements - just realized that if my target fields/columns/controls are single-line text, then I will not be able to show "people presence", or able to sort or do list lookups on the dates. Changing the field accordingly:
1) In a Form attached to a Custom List, I'm looking to set a value in a People-Picker field (list column), after a Date is entered. The field I need to populate "By" is a People-Picker, and needs to be set to the "Current User" who entered/saved the Date field (list column).
2) In the same Form, I need to set a Date/Time field with the "Current Date" in "MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt" format, based upon the value of "Yes" resulting from the entry in a Check Box.
I have attached a screen shot of the form and related fields I am attempting to set values in.
My solution architect suggested that Java code in the advanced area of the control settings would be needed.
Any assistance will be appreciated