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Working in SharePoint 2013 and Nintex 2013.

2 problems trying to solve - I had originally built this in WFs, but because I was attempting to update potentially 6 fields during an item modification, I was getting poor results due to the number of WFs firing. One of our SharePoint/Nintex solution architects suggested this could be better accomplished in the Form itself.

Editing my requirements - just realized that if my target fields/columns/controls are single-line text, then I will not be able to show "people presence", or able to sort or do list lookups on the dates.  Changing the field accordingly:

1) In a Form attached to a Custom List, I'm looking to set a value in a People-Picker field (list column), after a Date is entered.  The field I need to populate "By" is a People-Picker, and needs to be set to the "Current User" who entered/saved the Date field (list column).

2) In the same Form, I need to set a Date/Time field with the "Current Date" in "MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt" format, based upon the value of "Yes" resulting from the entry in a Check Box.

I have attached a screen shot of the form and related fields I am attempting to set values in.

My solution architect suggested that Java code in the advanced area of the control settings would be needed.

Any assistance will be appreciated

Hi Mark,

      Hope I'm on your track and here you go..

In a Form attached to a Custom List, I'm looking to set a value in a single-line text field (list column), after a Date is entered.  The field I need to populate "By" is a single-line text, and needs to be set to the "Current User" who entered/saved the Date field (list column).  --  for this i would suggest you to go with a Nintex Form Rule.

2) In the same Form, I need to set a single-line text field with the "Current Date" in "MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt" format, based upon the value of "Yes" resulting from the entry in a Check Box. --  again for this go with a inline function of getting the current date and you can try using Regular Expression validation  NWF  action. 

Hope this works,.

Thanks & Regards

Bashya Rajan A

1. to make an action after date control changes you need to write onchange handler for it. have a look eg here how it could be done Having fun with Date / Time in Nintex Forms 

to set value of people picker field, see following page  

2. to get date in a custom format have a look on formatDate() function.

to capture checkbox change event you will need to write very similar onchange handler as I suggested in 1.

search trough the forum, I believe you will find plenty of good examples

btw, if your solution architect directs to make a solution this why don't you ask HIM for further details?
