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Hello All,

      I am trying to setup a SSO Authentication with Netsuite Cloud ERP solutions. I am trying to use EndPoints WebServices to set up a secure connection with the system using K2 Management Tool in K2Appit.


While Doing that i added Following info:


Service Instance


Display name: XYZ

Service Type: Endpoints WebService


Service Authentication

Authentication Mode: SSO

Security Provider : K2 ( I dont know what should i be choosing here, options are K2, AAD, CRM, K2SQl, Salesforce, Sharepoint, SP)

User Name: provided

Password: provided



Service Keys

Store Service Metadata: False

Timeout (Seconds):100

Names: Append Property Types: True

Debugging Enabled: False

Add SoapHttpClientProtocol Parameter to Methonds: True

Serialization: Include all Assembly Types: True

Add Http Response Header Property To Methods: False

Add Http Request Header Property To Methods: False

Names: Use Method FullName: True

WeService URl:

Default HTTP Request Headers: Blank

Serialization: Compress: False

Default SoapHttpClientProtocol Value: Blank



When i do that it promtps me with: ValidationInvalid Webservice WSDL



Another Question is In K2 Black pearl we can setup SSO credential sin K2 Workspace, How do we do that in k2 Appit?







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