Hi All,
I was trying to create a process using the Destination Rule " Plan per slot (no destinations) & in the destination Rule Options for "select a list field to determine how many slots should be created" I chose the Smart Object " Model Name" since the reminder emails were just generating for only one item on the list 3 times ( based on the due date) instead of generating 3 seperate emails for 3 seperate items;
Correct me if I am wrong but my step would be to :
Get the items from the SP site; Setup or assign the variables I will be using in my email
but i keep getting the error message " Server was unable to process request. ---> Input string was not in a correct format."
What could be wrong?
a list has 3 items: A, B, C they all have the same "Targeted Date" so there should be 3 emails sent out that will say A,B,C but instead email gets sent for A, A, A.