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Our physical K2 server has been moved to a virtual server.  The effect of this has been to invalidate the licence key as quite rightly, it was based on the original servers machine key.  I know that I need to request a new license key from K2, but I do not have a generated server key to provide as the move to a virtual server took place without the need for installation or reinstallation of any components.  Could for example, K2 take the MAC address of my virtual machine, and then generate the associated machine and license keys.  I could then simply update the license key located within the _Server table in my K2 database?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

There is no method to generate a new System Key other than walking thru the installer.

However, you can walk thru the installer and get to the 'License Screen', note the System Key and use that to submit a new license request. Then cancel out of the install to avoid making changes to the existing configurations.


- Dave

Thanks for the advice.  I will give this a go and let you know how I get on.


Unfortunately, the installer has detected an installation on the machine and therefore only presents the option to upgrade.  The upgrade steps do not require the regeneration of a system key and hence it looks like this approach will not work for me.

The upgrade option should only be viable if you are attempting to install a newer version of K2...otherwise (I believe) it should be considering the install session as a 'component add/remove' condition (what we want to have in order to get to the License screen), not an upgrade.

Option 1: Please verify your current K2 version against the K2 installation package your are executing. Note: K2 SP4 has some bugs in the Service Manager's 'Help > About' info that may list the incorrect version....validate instead against other K2 dlls on the server (K2ROM.dll, et al) or via runing K2 in Console mode (version should be one of the first couple entries shown).

Option 2: If you are running the 'setup' from the K2 installation and getting the 'upgrade' response, instead, try running it from Window's Control Panel's "Add/Remove" option and see if you get different results.

- Dave

