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Requirement:-I have a requirement where i have to send a Task(Serially) to the Approvers. If Approver A rejects an item it should go back to the Originator and if Approved then a new task shoulb be created from Approver B.


Problem:-I have used Advanced Desination Rule Option(One at a time) option with Creating a Slot for each destination and creating a slot for each role and group but when Approver A rejects an item the task is still going to Approver B and if Approver B Approves the item the workflow is Completed which should not happen.


Is there something wrong with the logic(?) or implementation


I am using K2 Studio to implement the workflow.


Thanks in Advance





Hi Arpit,


Is the approval for Approver A and B happenning in the same activity in the workflow?  Would you be able to attach an image of what the workflow looks like in K2 Studio?




Hi Jimmy,


Thanks for responding.


Yes, the Approval is happening in the same activity there could be upto 6 Approvers and each has to choose from "Approve, Reject, Change" but currently if one Approver selects "Change/Reject" as an Option it goes to second Approver but it should go to the Originator for the Changes.


I have attcahed the screenshot of the Activity.




Per my understanding, you have an activity say Request approval, there will be multiple approves at thi approval activity, for instance there are three approvers, User1, User 2 and User 3.  Firstly approval task gets assigned to User1 and if user1 approves the requst, the approval task should be assigned to User2 for his action. After User2 approves the task, then approval task will be assigned to User3, if User 3 rejectes the requsest, task should be reverted back to Originator, so all and all, if a single approver rejects the request in the middle of the approval process, request should reveted back to Originator without assigning approval task to other users.


If i undersatand your scenario correct, then i spent sometime building solution for your requirement, check out the below steps to achive above scenario;


1) While you configuring Actions for the client event, you can find OUTCOMES wizard opens up with all configured actions, as shown in the below image (Fig 2) for instance.




One last thing, since you have already set the Destionation Rule set to create slot per each destination, i have neither included the images nor the steps to set it up Destination Set Rule, Please make sure Destination rule set to create slot per each destination and then deply the solution. This should furnish your requirement.


Any comments/ queries? let me know.



Prajwal Shambhu

Hi Prajwal,


Thanks a lot for your siggestion, this is what i was looking for.



