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Hi All,

I am using the K2 feature "Would you like to send a Notification of the Event to the Destination User(s)?" to send the task notification but we the windows NT id and the email address of the destination users are different so the email notifications are not getting sent to the destination users. If I dont want to write the custom code to send the email, then is there any way to handle this using the same feature.

Thanks & Regards

Ajay Gangwar

You can add a Mail event before the client event. The only tricky part, assuming that you can get the relevant email address from where it's stored, will be to get the serial number to use, but its as simple as concatenating the ProcessInstanceID and ActivityInstanceDestinationID in the following format:

<%ProcInstID%>_<ActInsDestID%>. This is available from the WF Context tab or from the K2 context object in code. You may also want to read the following post on formatting URLs:

run the SmartObject tester with use of the UMUser SmartObject under all SmartObjects. Right click the UMUser SmartObject > Execute SmartObject.
User the Get Users Method and retrieve the one of the users with the notification issue. In the output, does the email correspond with what it should be?
