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I have a requirement to send a notification to newly added people in several different people picker fields. Heres an example:

The Assignee fills out the form and enters as many stakeholders as they may know who would participate with this form. there is a different stakeholder field for each departmental stakeholder. these are people picker fields.

When the assignee submits the form it goes to the known stakeholders.

Now, lets say a new stakeholder needs added, then the assignee will go in and add however many additional stakeholders per department.

there should be a notification that goes out to the newly added stakeholders.

I read this and it doesn't seem to apply to my scenario as I have several people picker fields where this one discusses one.

Any thoughts as to how I an get notifications to be sent to just the newly added stakeholders?

I think that you should show (when EditionMode NOT New) currently stakeholders on a disabled control, then aside show another people picker ( that you never show on NEW MODE) named addStakeHolder.

Then a workflow will start on item change and send notification to addStakeHolder.

Additionally you should update the original column StakeHolder=StakeHolder+addStakeHolder.

that could work. What if there are more than one stakeholders per department. i.e. needing multiple people in the people picker?

im asking the business unit if that is a requirement. if not, then this solution may work.

For multiple people you can set Multiple selections=Yes , for more info about this control >>>People control 

Great, please mark it as answered

I should have been clear, my fault. I am using Nintex workflows for SharePoint 2010 and InfoPath 2010 for the forms.

Any thoughts on that?

I am guessing I would have to run a separate workflow off of each people picker field to achieve the results I want.  I was trying to avoid that situation.
