Goal: Provide a tool to allow initiator A to redirect a submitted workitem from Person B to Person C.
- Web application runs under IIS pool ID of process/workflow admin.
- Use oK2Manager.GetProcessInstancesAll to filter on ProcessFullName and Originator -- to get Folio and ProcInstID
- Use oK2Connection.OpenProcessInstance(ProcInstID) to update the process data.
- Use oK2Manager.GetWorkListItems to filter on Activity name and Folio -- to get WorkItem.ID
- Use oK2Manager.RedirectWorklistItem(strWorkListItemID, strRedirectUserFQN) to redirect to Person B.
- Grant us the rights to access other's workitems.
- Only display items that initiator submitted.
- (not really relevant)
- Match the right workitem to get the WorkItem.ID to redirect.
- (no problem here)
It seems that from #2 to #4 I have to search via Folio to get to the WorkItem.ID. Is this the only way to do it?
The activity has a maximum of 2 slots, so the user could change one or both slots' destinations. The user wouldn't necc. know the destination to search on (available destination users is provided to us in step #4).